
“In the depth of heavy sorrow” 「悲しみの深い淵で」

“In the depth of heavy sorrow” composed and arranged by SunnyG 「悲しみの深い淵で」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)      

“After Rain” 「雨上がり」

Just a bit more patience! Let’s keep doing what we need to do! Sure, we will get fantastic result. Like a beautiful rainbow after rain. “After Rain” composed and arranged by SunnyG  もう少しの辛抱だよ!やるべきことをやり続けよう! きっと、素敵な結果がでるよ、雨あがりの綺麗な虹のような。  「雨上がり」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)  

“Pipe Dream” 「はかない夢」

I may win the jackpotlottery, 700million yen at any chance. That was a pipe dream. But I am glad that I could have a dream with light expectation for a few days until the date of the winning number announcement. “Pipe Dream” composed and arranged by SunnyG サマージャンボ、年末ジャンボ宝くじ、7億円。そんなのはかない夢じゃないかと言いながら連番10枚、バラ20枚など買ってしまうのです。当選番号発表の日まで2週間、淡い期待を持って夢を見ているのです。結果ははかない夢。ひょっとしたらと2週間夢を見られたことでよしとするのです。 「はかない夢」作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)    

Something Good is gonna happen 何かいいことありそうよ

We’ve done what we need to do. Let’s do our best to continue doing what we should do. Something good is gonna happen. “Something Good is gonna happen” Composed & arranged by SunnyG これまでやるべきことをやってきたよね。 このままやるべきことをやり続けようよ。何かいいことありそうだよ。 「何かいいことありそうよ」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)      

“Drizzly Rain” 「こぬか雨」

When I searched the web for free images of “drizzly rain,” I found a digital camera photo of Tsuwano in Hokkaido, where the paving stones wet with rain were impressive. I borrowed this photo and processed it into a watercolor style on a computer. I think I could get a little wet feeling of the・・・

“Pendulum Clock” 「ボンボン時計」

At my home, there was a pendulum clock that was used with the mainspring broken and the time signal no longer ringing. When I was a junior high school student, trying to surprise the family I repaired this broken spring, and made the time signal start to sound again. However, in this small home, all・・・

“Over the silvery moon” 「銀色の月の彼方に」

I, an elderly person over 80, have no connection to a romantic world “over the rainbow”. Then, the heaven “over the sun” is too far away to reach. I might go to the heaven “over the moon” and live there comfortably. What? The heaven is not always so sweet. There may be hellfire. Oops, I‘d・・・

“A Slave of Passion” 「激情の虜」

Becoming a slave of passion, struggle, suffer, and defeat such struggle and suffering. I, almost 80 years old, don’t even have a single piece of such power. But I, such a person of great age can imagine and fancy. This song is the product of such imagination and fantasies. “A slave of passion” Composed and・・・

“Hokkai Bon Uta” 「北海盆歌」

It’s said that the Hokkaido folk song “Hokkai Bon Uta” was originally sung by miners. I made an attempt to arrange this folk song in Bossa Nova New Style. “Hokkai Bon Uta” arranged by SunnyG   北海道民謡「北海盆歌」はかつて炭坑労働者の間で歌われていたものだそうです。 この民謡をボサノバニュースタイルでアレンジしてみました。 編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺)  

“Spring comes along again” 「また春が巡ってくる」

Spring is coming again this year. I become 83 years old this spring. Even at this age, I still feel the joy of comeing spring.I wanted to express that joy with a soft strings sound. Well, what’s the result? “Spring comes along again” Composed and arranged by SunnyG 今年もまた春がやってくる。私はこの春に83歳となるのです。 この歳になっても春を迎えることに喜びを感じてしまうのです。 その喜びを柔らかなストリングスサウンドで 表現したかったのですが さてその出来映えは? 「また春が巡ってくる」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺)・・・

