
“Morning Glow” 「朝焼け」

I thought that “Sunset” was a sign of sunny day, and “morning glow” was a sign of rain. I is said that there are two type of morning glow, one “tells bad weather” and the other tells the fine weather.As it has been disagreeable rain in recent days, I wish I could watch a morning glow・・・

“Sylvan Scene” 「森の光景」

Deep in the forest covered with fresh green, sunbeams are plugging brilliantly through the layers of young leaves. I want to be folded everlastingly with green scent  a little bit moisturized. “Sylvan Scene” composed & arranged by SunnyG 新緑に覆われた森の奥深く、幾重にも茂った若葉の間からキラキラ差し込む木漏れ日に、ちょっぴり湿り気を帯びた 緑の香りに いつまでも 包まれていたい。 「森の光景」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)    

“Lonely Traveler” 「孤独の旅人」

Going in a problem on my mind, I start worrying and I’m getting stuck in the deep. I become a lonely traveler. It is said that solitude is often best society. Will solitude relieve the lonely traveler’s worry? “Lonely Traveler” Composed & arranged by SunnyG 悩み始めると、どんどん深みにはまり込んで悩みの世界を彷徨う孤独の旅人になってしまうのです。「孤独はしばしば最良の友」になるとか。の友が悩みを和らげてくれるでしょうか? 「孤独の旅人」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)

