
“Take it easy at home”「のんびり過ごそうよ」

Because of “born poor nan’s mentality, if I keep still, I feel doing something wrong. Then I will try to do this and that and cannot do it well as a result, I end up irritating. The close friends advise me to take it easy at home, but I cannot stay still and relax. “Take・・・

“Nightcap” 「寝酒」

It’s late at night, maybe it’s time to sleep. Pour wine into a glass, “Wine before sleeping”  It’s so called as Nightcap in English. Nightcap! It’s so nice expression!  “Nightcap” Composed and arranged by SunnyG  夜も更けた、そろそろ寝るか . ワインをグラスへ、「寝酒や」「英語ではNightcap と言うそうや」 「ナイトキャップ、洒落ててええなあ」 「盗み酒やないか」「???」   ナイトキャップ(寝酒) 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)        

