
“Jolt of Java” 「コーヒーで一服」

How the sourness is, how the bitterness is, I cannot taste finely coffee.I’ve heard that drinking 3,4 cups of coffee a day is good for beauty and health.When we smell the scent of coffee, alpha waves are generated in our brain.Such alpha waves are effective in reducing stress.Taking a break from drinking coffee, this will・・・

“Having a lot of drive” 「やる気満々で」

Having a lot of drive, I challenged to make music using arrangement data from the music software “ABILITY”.I made the melody like an improvisation played by a trumpet.I’m a little nervous about uploading such a music. “Having a log of drive” Composed and arranged by SunnyG やる気満々で AbilityやSSWで使えるアレンジデーターを利用しての曲作りに挑戦、メロディをトランペットの即興演奏風のものにアレンジした程度のものになりました。こんな程度でいいのかなと少々気が引けながらのアップロードです。 「やる気満々」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)    

