*Trial of DIY composition and arrangement by SunnyG
*Classical, Jazz, Popular, Blues, Rock, Latin & others


“Viola Falling In Violin”「恋するヴィオラ」
That viola seems to have fallen in love with the violin, whatever it was dazzled by the clear tone of the high notes that it couldn’t make. “Viola Falling In Love” Composed and arranged by SunnyG あのビオラがヴァイオリンに恋をしたんやそうな、なんでも 自分が出せない高音の澄み切った音色に幻惑されてのことやそうや」「ゲ・ン・ワ・ク?それを言うなら「弦惑」やないか」 「???」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺) 
  • JAZZ
“Enchanting Night Town”「魅惑の夜の街」」
It’s been a long time since I haven’t had a chance to visit the fascinating night cities. From my thirties to fifties, I visited various cities on business tripsboth inside and outside Japan. I have never visited these cities on a sightseeing trip. Visits to “Enchanting Night Town” were only for business relationship.  魅惑の夜の街、訪れる機会がなくなって久しいです。30代から50代にかけて、国内外いろいろな街を訪れる機会が与えられました。すべて出張です。観光で訪れたことはありません。夜の街は、アフタービジネスでの お付き合いで・・・。   
“Ballade of Wine Glass”「ワイングラスのバラード」
I do not understand well the taste of wine for me who is not an artist of wine. However, having a ship of wine ,I look down on the glass of wine, then I feel that my heart is washed somehow. “Ballade of Wine Glass” composed and arranged by SunnyG ワイン通ではない私にはワインの味はよくわからない。しかしながらワインを一口飲んでワイングラスを静かにながめていると何となく心が洗われるような気がする。 「ワイングラスのバラード」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺) 
“Beginning of The End” 「終焉の始まり」
In 2022, when I will be 85 years old: This flower is about to die, towards the end of the flower’s life. I’m such an old person who can understand the words, “It’s the beginning of the last-stage elderly rather than the late-stage elderly.” “Beginning of The End Composed by Yo Kozato   & Arranged by・・・
“Red Passion” 「赤い情熱」
I looked up the flower language of Bougainvillea. It means “passion,” “enthusiasm,” “charm,” “only you can see,” “you are full of charm,” “hidden thoughts,” “I believe in you,” and “dramatic love.” None of the words apply to an elderly person like me who is about to reach his mid-80s.Such words can no longer exist around・・・
“Illusion of Fallen Leaves” 「落ち葉のイル―ジョン」
The fallen leaves soared in the cool breeze. As if they thought they could go back to that tree. It’s an illusion, and eventually they fall and become soil. “Illusion of Fallen Leaves” composed and arranged by SunnyG 冷たい一陣の風に落ち葉たちが舞い上がった。 あの木に戻れると思ったかのように。 それは幻想、やがて落ちて土となる。 「落ち葉のイル―ジョン」”Illusion of Fallen Leaves” 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)  Audio-visual tested: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera.・・・
  • Easy Listening
“Rainy Weekend” 「雨の週末」
The rainy weekend, it would be romantic for a young couple. I intend to express such a young couple with strings and express the rain falls gently with the bossa nova rhythm made by a hi-hat and a cabasa. For an old man like me the rainy weekend is just annoying. “Rainy Weekend” composed and・・・
  • Easy Listening
“Forgetting Worldly Cares” 「浮世の憂さを忘れて」
I play neither golf nor gambling. I am such an old man who is in a good mood if I have a computer and music software. However, I can’t live free from worldly cares. At that time, I can forget the “worldly cares” by listening to the BGM while lighting the candle and vaguely watching・・・
“Etude Lullaby of ITSUKI”「練習曲 五木の子守唄」
This song is a folk song that has been handed down to Itsuki Village in Kumamoto Prefecture. Once upon a time, a girl from a poor family was left from her home as a babysitter in a wealthy family to reduce a mouth to feed. This is the song that this baby-sitter girl sang about・・・
“Solitary Drinking”「独り酒」
I’m not sleepy tonight. I thought I was vague, but it seemed like I got a few Zs. I woke up in the middle of the night. I try to sleep again, but I can’t sleep、then quietly I get up and open the refrigerator. Take out cold “Sake”, drink it alone, enjoy “solitary drinking”, delicious!・・・

“Viola Falling In Violin”「恋するヴィオラ」

That viola seems to have fallen in love with the violin, whatever it was dazzled by the clear tone of the high notes that it couldn’t make. “Viola Falling In Love” Composed and arranged by SunnyG あのビオラがヴァイオリンに恋をしたんやそうな、なんでも 自分が出せない高音の澄み切った音色に幻惑されてのことやそうや」「ゲ・ン・ワ・ク?それを言うなら「弦惑」やないか」 「???」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺) 

“Enchanting Night Town”「魅惑の夜の街」」

It’s been a long time since I haven’t had a chance to visit the fascinating night cities. From my thirties to fifties, I visited various cities on business tripsboth inside and outside Japan. I have never visited these cities on a sightseeing trip. Visits to “Enchanting Night Town” were only for business relationship.  魅惑の夜の街、訪れる機会がなくなって久しいです。30代から50代にかけて、国内外いろいろな街を訪れる機会が与えられました。すべて出張です。観光で訪れたことはありません。夜の街は、アフタービジネスでの お付き合いで・・・。   

“Ballade of Wine Glass”「ワイングラスのバラード」

I do not understand well the taste of wine for me who is not an artist of wine. However, having a ship of wine ,I look down on the glass of wine, then I feel that my heart is washed somehow. “Ballade of Wine Glass” composed and arranged by SunnyG ワイン通ではない私にはワインの味はよくわからない。しかしながらワインを一口飲んでワイングラスを静かにながめていると何となく心が洗われるような気がする。 「ワイングラスのバラード」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺) 

“Beginning of The End” 「終焉の始まり」

In 2022, when I will be 85 years old: This flower is about to die, towards the end of the flower’s life. I’m such an old person who can understand the words, “It’s the beginning of the last-stage elderly rather than the late-stage elderly.” “Beginning of The End Composed by Yo Kozato   & Arranged by・・・

“Red Passion” 「赤い情熱」

I looked up the flower language of Bougainvillea. It means “passion,” “enthusiasm,” “charm,” “only you can see,” “you are full of charm,” “hidden thoughts,” “I believe in you,” and “dramatic love.” None of the words apply to an elderly person like me who is about to reach his mid-80s.Such words can no longer exist around・・・

“Illusion of Fallen Leaves” 「落ち葉のイル―ジョン」

The fallen leaves soared in the cool breeze. As if they thought they could go back to that tree. It’s an illusion, and eventually they fall and become soil. “Illusion of Fallen Leaves” composed and arranged by SunnyG 冷たい一陣の風に落ち葉たちが舞い上がった。 あの木に戻れると思ったかのように。 それは幻想、やがて落ちて土となる。 「落ち葉のイル―ジョン」”Illusion of Fallen Leaves” 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)  Audio-visual tested: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera.・・・

“Rainy Weekend” 「雨の週末」

The rainy weekend, it would be romantic for a young couple. I intend to express such a young couple with strings and express the rain falls gently with the bossa nova rhythm made by a hi-hat and a cabasa. For an old man like me the rainy weekend is just annoying. “Rainy Weekend” composed and・・・

“Forgetting Worldly Cares” 「浮世の憂さを忘れて」

I play neither golf nor gambling. I am such an old man who is in a good mood if I have a computer and music software. However, I can’t live free from worldly cares. At that time, I can forget the “worldly cares” by listening to the BGM while lighting the candle and vaguely watching・・・

“Etude Lullaby of ITSUKI”「練習曲 五木の子守唄」

This song is a folk song that has been handed down to Itsuki Village in Kumamoto Prefecture. Once upon a time, a girl from a poor family was left from her home as a babysitter in a wealthy family to reduce a mouth to feed. This is the song that this baby-sitter girl sang about・・・

“Solitary Drinking”「独り酒」

I’m not sleepy tonight. I thought I was vague, but it seemed like I got a few Zs. I woke up in the middle of the night. I try to sleep again, but I can’t sleep、then quietly I get up and open the refrigerator. Take out cold “Sake”, drink it alone, enjoy “solitary drinking”, delicious!・・・

“Sentimental Sunset”「センチメンタルな日没」

According to the English Japanese dictionary, sunset means “dusk”, and when it comes to “sunset years”, it means “old age” or “afterlife”. Our rliamentarians, as soon as you stopped reducing your salaries in half a year, you are considering raising our pension age and reducing the amount of payment, then we became worried about our・・・

“Home where the heart in” 「故郷、心を残してきた場所」

Forty years after leaving Osaka, the Kansai accent remains. I try to match the local accent as much as possible. When I meet a person with a Kansai accent, I immediately return to the Osaka accent. It is said that the accent may be the country’s bill. My heart may remain in Osaka even now.・・・

“Mi Primera Rumba” 「私の最初のルンバ」

When I was in the lower grades of elementary school (3rd to 4th grade), a fun and interesting tune was flowing out from the electric speaker in a neighborhood electronics shop. I think about it now, it’s the “Rumba Tamba” played by the Lecuona Cuban Boys, but I don’t know at that time. I was・・・

“IRIS” 「アイリス」

There is a Japanese phrase saying, “Which is AYAME or KAKITSUBATA?” It is said that both are flowers of the iris family. I cannot tell these two flowers apart. Anyway, I intended to draw iris. I drew both flowers and vases using the word shapes. “IRIS” composed and arranged by SunnyG 日本語のフレーズに「いずれがアヤメかカキツバタ」というのがある。 両方ともiris family の花である。私にはこれら二つの花を見分けることができない。とにかくirisを描いたつもりです。花も花瓶もワードの図形を使って描きました。・・・

“In the depth of heavy sorrow” 「悲しみの深い淵で」

“In the depth of heavy sorrow” composed and arranged by SunnyG 「悲しみの深い淵で」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)      

“After Rain” 「雨上がり」

Just a bit more patience! Let’s keep doing what we need to do! Sure, we will get fantastic result. Like a beautiful rainbow after rain. “After Rain” composed and arranged by SunnyG  もう少しの辛抱だよ!やるべきことをやり続けよう! きっと、素敵な結果がでるよ、雨あがりの綺麗な虹のような。  「雨上がり」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)  

“Pipe Dream” 「はかない夢」

I may win the jackpotlottery, 700million yen at any chance. That was a pipe dream. But I am glad that I could have a dream with light expectation for a few days until the date of the winning number announcement. “Pipe Dream” composed and arranged by SunnyG サマージャンボ、年末ジャンボ宝くじ、7億円。そんなのはかない夢じゃないかと言いながら連番10枚、バラ20枚など買ってしまうのです。当選番号発表の日まで2週間、淡い期待を持って夢を見ているのです。結果ははかない夢。ひょっとしたらと2週間夢を見られたことでよしとするのです。 「はかない夢」作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)    

Something Good is gonna happen 何かいいことありそうよ

We’ve done what we need to do. Let’s do our best to continue doing what we should do. Something good is gonna happen. “Something Good is gonna happen” Composed & arranged by SunnyG これまでやるべきことをやってきたよね。 このままやるべきことをやり続けようよ。何かいいことありそうだよ。 「何かいいことありそうよ」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)      

“Drizzly Rain” 「こぬか雨」

When I searched the web for free images of “drizzly rain,” I found a digital camera photo of Tsuwano in Hokkaido, where the paving stones wet with rain were impressive. I borrowed this photo and processed it into a watercolor style on a computer. I think I could get a little wet feeling of the・・・

“Pendulum Clock” 「ボンボン時計」

At my home, there was a pendulum clock that was used with the mainspring broken and the time signal no longer ringing. When I was a junior high school student, trying to surprise the family I repaired this broken spring, and made the time signal start to sound again. However, in this small home, all・・・

“Over the silvery moon” 「銀色の月の彼方に」

I, an elderly person over 80, have no connection to a romantic world “over the rainbow”. Then, the heaven “over the sun” is too far away to reach. I might go to the heaven “over the moon” and live there comfortably. What? The heaven is not always so sweet. There may be hellfire. Oops, I‘d・・・

“A Slave of Passion” 「激情の虜」

Becoming a slave of passion, struggle, suffer, and defeat such struggle and suffering. I, almost 80 years old, don’t even have a single piece of such power. But I, such a person of great age can imagine and fancy. This song is the product of such imagination and fantasies. “A slave of passion” Composed and・・・

“Hokkai Bon Uta” 「北海盆歌」

It’s said that the Hokkaido folk song “Hokkai Bon Uta” was originally sung by miners. I made an attempt to arrange this folk song in Bossa Nova New Style. “Hokkai Bon Uta” arranged by SunnyG   北海道民謡「北海盆歌」はかつて炭坑労働者の間で歌われていたものだそうです。 この民謡をボサノバニュースタイルでアレンジしてみました。 編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺)  

“Spring comes along again” 「また春が巡ってくる」

Spring is coming again this year. I become 83 years old this spring. Even at this age, I still feel the joy of comeing spring.I wanted to express that joy with a soft strings sound. Well, what’s the result? “Spring comes along again” Composed and arranged by SunnyG 今年もまた春がやってくる。私はこの春に83歳となるのです。 この歳になっても春を迎えることに喜びを感じてしまうのです。 その喜びを柔らかなストリングスサウンドで 表現したかったのですが さてその出来映えは? 「また春が巡ってくる」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺)・・・

“Morning Dream” 「明け方の夢」

At dawn, we happen to have a dream while REM sleeping. We remember the dream when we awake. It is said that such dream has been shown to us by God or Buddha as a revelation.Some people say that they do not see their dreams, although they are actually seeing the dream,but they do not・・・

“Under the mantle of night” 「夜のとばりの下に」

Whether it should be called the latter half of life or the ending period of my life, am I the only one who make the connection between the ending period of my life and the night which is the end of the day? The sound of the trumpet oddly accords with emptiness that lurks in・・・

“Take it easy at home”「のんびり過ごそうよ」

Because of “born poor nan’s mentality, if I keep still, I feel doing something wrong. Then I will try to do this and that and cannot do it well as a result, I end up irritating. The close friends advise me to take it easy at home, but I cannot stay still and relax. “Take・・・

“Nightcap” 「寝酒」

It’s late at night, maybe it’s time to sleep. Pour wine into a glass, “Wine before sleeping”  It’s so called as Nightcap in English. Nightcap! It’s so nice expression!  “Nightcap” Composed and arranged by SunnyG  夜も更けた、そろそろ寝るか . ワインをグラスへ、「寝酒や」「英語ではNightcap と言うそうや」 「ナイトキャップ、洒落ててええなあ」 「盗み酒やないか」「???」   ナイトキャップ(寝酒) 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)        

“The days gone by” 「過ぎ去りし日々」

While heading to the end of life, looking back the days that have passed one after another, what do I think of me and myself? It is certain that the mountain of my memories is getting higher, while the mountain of my life is getting lower. I want to spend every day carefully, until the・・・

“Predawn Stillness” 「夜明け前の静寂」

I wake up early in the morning, the room is still dark.It begins that my vague consciousness mixed with expectations and anxiety for today.Before long, my consciousness starts a comfortable glide.What’s called “mo hitoneiri” (another sleep). “Predawn Stillness” composed and arranged by SunnyG 早朝目が覚める、部屋はまだ真っ暗、今日への期待と不安が入り混じったもやっとした意識がやがて心地よい滑空を始める。もう一寝入りというやつ。 「夜明け前の静寂」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)    

“Don’t be feisty” 「イライラしないで」

“What are you getting peeved at so much?” “I don’t know what it is, but I am irritated.” “Here is a jazz tune in Latin rhythm that I made two years ago. Listen to this  and blow out your irritation!” “Wow, listening to this tune irritates me so much more!” “Don’t be feisty” Composed and・・・

“Blue Moment” 「ブルーな時期」

Somehow depressed, feeling down, of course these are due to physical fatigue, but the biggest cause is mental fatigue. In such a case, even if I am advised that I have to sleep well as a solution, I can’t even sleep. Until the rhythmic melody comes to my mind and I feel like making music,・・・

“Lingering Hope” 「捨てきれない希望」

While knowing the limit of my ability and this computer, I am hoping to make more good music with better sound. I cannot throw my hope away. “Lingering hope” Composed and arranged by SunnyG   このパソコンと自分の能力では限界と分かっていながら、 もっといい曲をもっといい音で作りたいとの希望を、捨てきれないでいるのです。 「捨てきれない希望」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)    

“ETENRAKU” 「越天楽」

“ETENRAKU” is one of the famous tunes of GAGAKU (ancient court music). Unique instruments are used such as Shinto flute, Thirteen-stringed Koto, Japanese lute and drums. There are GAGAKU pieces with dance and without dance, the former called BUGAKU (an ancient court dance and music) and the latter called KANGEN (the orchestral music with wind・・・

“Comfort” 「安らぎ」

Another close friend of mine has passed away. I pray sincerely for the repose of his soul .”Comfort” Composed and arranged by SunnyG また一人親しい友が逝ってしまった。只々冥福を祈るのみ。 「安らぎ」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺) November 26, 2016    

“Uncertainty of the life” 「人生の無常」

To be honest, I still really don’t understand my life, even after over 80 yeas old. I don’t know what will happen to the rest of my life. I don’t know how long will last the rest of my life. But it’s definitely much shorter than the years I’ve spent. “Uncertainty of the life” Composed・・・

“Rain Drop Inspiration”「雨垂れのひらめき」

In a movie starring Cole Porter by Cary Grant, I remember that there was a scene where the song of “ Begin The Begin ” was born from the sound of raindrops. But from the rhythmical dripping of raindrops I was reminded of the sound of a rim shot of a drum. The inspiration of・・・

“Jolt of Java” 「コーヒーで一服」

How the sourness is, how the bitterness is, I cannot taste finely coffee.I’ve heard that drinking 3,4 cups of coffee a day is good for beauty and health.When we smell the scent of coffee, alpha waves are generated in our brain.Such alpha waves are effective in reducing stress.Taking a break from drinking coffee, this will・・・

“Having a lot of drive” 「やる気満々で」

Having a lot of drive, I challenged to make music using arrangement data from the music software “ABILITY”.I made the melody like an improvisation played by a trumpet.I’m a little nervous about uploading such a music. “Having a log of drive” Composed and arranged by SunnyG やる気満々で AbilityやSSWで使えるアレンジデーターを利用しての曲作りに挑戦、メロディをトランペットの即興演奏風のものにアレンジした程度のものになりました。こんな程度でいいのかなと少々気が引けながらのアップロードです。 「やる気満々」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)    

“In the fresh of the morning”「朝まだきに」

Probably because of the age, I often wake up early in the morning. At such time, I imagine the sea of clouds seen from the sky.It’s hard for me to see such scenery at my age. I wish I could come across the sea of clouds when I am on the way called to heaven.・・・

“Fantastic Tale” 「夢物語」

Even at this age, there are many things that I dream about, what is unlikely to happen, small things, etc. In relaxed manner, listening to a music coming from the effective sound system which makes clear sound, is this a fantastic tale? “Fantastic Tale” Composed & arranged by SunnyG 実現できそうもないこと、ささやかなもの、この年齢になっても、 いろいろ 夢に描いているものがあるのです。 いい音場できれいな音が 出せるサウンドシステムで ゆったりと音楽を・・・

“Season’s Transition” 「季節の移ろい」

There are four seasons in Japan, and each change has its own taste, which makes us feel the arrival of the season.  Transition from summer to autumn, the neighborhood is dyed in a bright autumn color in clear air. Kyoto sweets, tea and autumn leaves, my favorite autumn image.  “Season’s Transition” composed & arranged by・・・

“Swinging in the wind” 「風に揺られて」

A wind that gently strokes my cheek. Occasionally break away from the hustle and bustle of the city, I want to leave me in a comfortable breeze without worrying about time “Swinging in the wind” composed and arranged by SunnyG 頬をそっと撫でる風、 たまには都会の喧騒をはなれて 時を気にすることなく 心地よいそよ風に身をまかせていたい。 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺)   [contact-form] [contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true”・・・

“Fantastic Flower”「ファンタスティックな花」

A small flower appeared in the corner of the planter. I don’t know the name of the flower. Cute red flower. No need to know the name of the flower. It asserts itself in the corner of the planter. A small but dignified figure, It’s okay with a fantastic flower. “Fantastic Flower” Composed and arranged by SunnyG プランターの隅っこに小さな花が顔を出した。花の名前は知らない。真っ赤なキュートな花。 花の名前なんかわからなくてよい、プランターの隅で健気に自己主張している小さくても凛と・・・

“Solitary Fountain” 「孤独の湖」

When I was chasing after day and day miscellaneous things, sometimes I want to be quiet by the fountain escaping from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Such a wish is unlikely to come true. At least with BGM and fantasy … “Solitary Fountain” composed and arranged by SunnyG 日日の雑事に追われてバタバタ過ごしていると時には日常の喧騒から逃れて人里離れた泉のほとりで独り静かにしていたくなる。 そんな願いは叶いそうもなく, せめてBGMと空想で・・・・・ 「孤独の湖」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺)・・・

“Morning Glow” 「朝焼け」

I thought that “Sunset” was a sign of sunny day, and “morning glow” was a sign of rain. I is said that there are two type of morning glow, one “tells bad weather” and the other tells the fine weather.As it has been disagreeable rain in recent days, I wish I could watch a morning glow・・・

“Sylvan Scene” 「森の光景」

Deep in the forest covered with fresh green, sunbeams are plugging brilliantly through the layers of young leaves. I want to be folded everlastingly with green scent  a little bit moisturized. “Sylvan Scene” composed & arranged by SunnyG 新緑に覆われた森の奥深く、幾重にも茂った若葉の間からキラキラ差し込む木漏れ日に、ちょっぴり湿り気を帯びた 緑の香りに いつまでも 包まれていたい。 「森の光景」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)    

“Lonely Traveler” 「孤独の旅人」

Going in a problem on my mind, I start worrying and I’m getting stuck in the deep. I become a lonely traveler. It is said that solitude is often best society. Will solitude relieve the lonely traveler’s worry? “Lonely Traveler” Composed & arranged by SunnyG 悩み始めると、どんどん深みにはまり込んで悩みの世界を彷徨う孤独の旅人になってしまうのです。「孤独はしばしば最良の友」になるとか。の友が悩みを和らげてくれるでしょうか? 「孤独の旅人」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)

“Slumberland” 「眠りの国」

When I listen to this music, I fall asleep easily for some reason. “Slumberland” Composed and arranged by SunnyG この曲を聴いているとなぜか寝てしまうのです。 「眠りの国」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺) I found the following data on a website: (インターネットにこんなデータが出ていました:) TIME FROM ENTERING BED TO SLEEPING 「入眠までの平均的な時間」 (1) 1~10 minutes 33% (2) 11~20 minutes 22% (3) 21~30 minutes 18% (4) 31~45 minutes 9%・・・

“Let’s swing with strings” 「弦楽でスウィングを」

An old tiddled fiddler started cheerfully playing swing jazz backed by a string orchestra. Even though he is drunk, his violin performances are certain and glittering. His life experience and the accumulated violin training make his performance shine. “Let’s swing with strings” composed and arranged by SunnyG 年老いたほろ酔い機嫌のバイオリン弾きが陽気にストリングオーケストラをバックにスウィングジャズの演奏を始めた。彼は酔っぱらっていても彼のバイオリンの演奏は確かなものでキラキラと輝いている。彼の人生経験と積み重ねたバイオリンの訓練が彼の演奏を輝くものにしているのです。 「弦楽でスウィングを」 作・編曲: SunnyG「サニー爺」 2016-9-27  

“Half remembered dream” 「記憶のあやふやな夢」

夢の中でははっきりと見えてはいたのだけれど、目がさめてみると、なんだか ぼんやりとしていてハッキリとした光景が思い出せない、 記憶のあやふやな夢となってしまっている。 ボケと老化の方向に進んでいるせいなのか、とこんなことまで気にかかる。気にしない、 気にしないでおこう! 「記憶のあやふやな夢」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺) It was clearly visible in my dream, but when I awoke, somehow it became an absurd dream, and I could recall it only with a vague and unclear view. I wonder if it’s because of progressing in the direction of blur and aging, which sit on my・・・

“Fantasia G” 「幻想曲G」

いよいよ八十路、こんな年寄りがフルオーケストラのスケールの大きな曲をパソコンで作ってステレオ装置で聴くなんて夢見ているのです。夢ではなく単なる幻想にすぎないのでしょうか?キーは「Gマイナー」ですが、曲名にあるG」は「爺」のことです。 「幻想曲 G] 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺) At last 80 years old, such a man has fancies of making large scale music played by a full orchestra. I am dreaming of making such music on my personal computer and listening it on my stereo device. It is not a dream but maybe just a fantasy. The key is・・・

“Had enough of the convocations” 「話し合いは十分や」

「国会議員のみなさん、10日以上何度も何度も話し合ってきたじゃないですか、いつまで話し 合うのですか?」 「みんなが納得いくまで話し合わないと」 「話し合いは十分や、話し合いはいい加減で終わりにして、行動に移してくださいよ!」 「話し合いは十分や」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺) “You all of National Diet members, you have talked again and again for more than 10 days. How long do you want to talk?” “Until everyone is satisfied” “You had enough of the convocations. Please wrap up the talking and get into action!” “Had Enoough Of The Invocations” composed・・・

“Cool Down” 「クールダウン」

米朝首脳会談が始まろうとしています。両首脳はいかに自国の平和と安全を 守ろうかと熱くなっていることでしょう。 おたがいに国を思うあまりに熱くなりすぎないでください。 熱くなりすぎないように。 冷静に!冷静に! 「クールダウン」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)   US-North Korean summit is about to begin. The two leaders are getting hot as to how to protect their country’s security and peace. Please talk each other calmlly at the meeting. Do not get too hot. Cool down! Cool down! “Cool down” Composed and arranged by・・・

“Moonlight Promenade” 「月明かりのプロムナード」

「月明かりのプロムナードを散歩する若いカップル」こんな光景を81歳の老いぼれの身で振り返ると、思い出というよりも夢の世界か、幻想かとしか思えない。ならば美しいロマンチックな幻想であってほしいもの。そんな願いは夢のまた夢。 「月明かりのプロムナード」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺) 2018年4月28日 “A young couple walking at the moonlight promenade”, when I look back at this scene as an old 81-year-old person, I can only think of it as a dream world or an illusion rather than a memory.Then I wish it as a beautiful romantic illusion. Such a wish is a・・・

“Place dear to my heart” 「心の故郷」

心の故郷ってどこ?生まれ故郷? それなら徳島県小松島市。誕生から三歳までいた。街の風景などまったく記憶にない。昼寝から目覚めた時母か子守のお姉さんが起こしにきてくれるまで、ぼんやり眺めていた壁と天井が今でもふと浮かぶことがあるのです。 そんな時、なぜか心が安らぐのです。 「心の故郷」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺) Where is the hometown? Birthplace? Then Komatsujima city in Tokushima prefecture. I was there from the birthday to 3 years old. I cannot remember the scenery of the town at all. But even now I remember that ceiling and wall, which I watched up when I waked up from a nap・・・

“Waters of forgetfulness” 「忘却の川」

ギリシャ神話のレーテー川の水を飲むと、今までの記憶が焼却されてしまうとか。 このところ、物忘れが多くなってきました。レーテー川の水飛沫でもあびたのか? いやいや、それは歳のせい。 「忘却の川」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺) 2016年9月6日 When a person drinks water of Greek mythological Lethe river, it is said that the memories so far are erased. My forgettery has gotten much more recently. Did I get into the splashing of the Lethe river? No, it is because of the age. “Waters of forgetfulness” Composed and・・・

“Sorrow of parting” 「惜別」

最愛の妻を亡くした友人が一年後、 あとを追うように逝ってしまった。 「惜別」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺) My friend who had lost his beloved wife passed away after a year as chasing his wife. “Sorrow of Parting” composed & arranged by SunnyG

“Fata Morgana” 「蜃気楼」

後期高齢者といえども、あれをやりたい, これをやりたいと夢だけは満杯状態。 夢の中では幻想的に光輝いてはいるのですが、やがては消え失せてしまうのですね。 蜃気楼のように。 「蜃気楼」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺)   Even though I am old old, I still have full of dreams about doing this and that. These are brightening fantastically in my dream, and will fade away in course of time like fata morgana. “Fata morgana” Composed & arranged by SunnyG オリジナル曲はこちらをクリック (Click here for the・・・

“Wish upon the full moon” 「満月に願いを」

たしか、ディズニー映画の主題歌に「星に願いを」という名曲がありました。星は遠すぎるので近くの満月に願いを、何を願う?世界人類の平和?そんなだいそれたこと、地球より小さいお月様は受け入れきれずに困ってしまうのでは? せめて私の明日一日が無事でありますようにならば・・・? {満月に願いを」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺) Certainly, there was a masterpiece called ” Wish upon a star” in a theme song of a Disney movie. The star is too far, so let’s wish upon the near full moon. What do you wish for? Peace of the world humanity? I wonder if the moon smaller than the earth cannot・・・

“Delightful aroma of coffee” 「コーヒーのいい香り」

コーヒーの香りが脳に影響を与える、しかも豆の種類によって効果が異なるとか。コーヒーの香りにはリラックス効果があり、飲むことが休息になるのだそうです。飲むための準備、コーヒーを入れる行為を楽しむ人たちもいるのです。私はいい香りの美味しいコーヒーを飲んでリラックスするだけの人なのです。 「コーヒーのいい香り」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺) The scent of coffee affects the brain, and the effect depends on the type of beans. It seems that the scent of coffee has a relaxing effect and drinking makes a rest. There are people who enjoy preparing for drinking coffee and a process of making coffee. I am just a person・・・

Countdown for the rest of my life「余生へのカウントダウン」

日本人男性の平均寿命が79.94才になったとか。今春には80才になる自分は ちょうど平均寿命を通過して、余分の領域に入ったばかりになるのです。余分の寿命はどこまで続くのか判らないのだけれど、カウントダウンは始まって いるのです。秒を刻む間隔が短くなってきているように感じるのは気のせいで しょうか? 2017年4月28日 「余生へのカウントダウン」 作・編曲: SunnyG(サニー爺) It is said that life expectancy for Japanese men is 79.94 years old. I’m gonna be 80 years old in this spring. I’m just pass through average life time and I’m gonna have additional life from now on. It may just be my imagination but I feel・・・

” Reunion on the Tanabata Night” 「七夕の夜に再会」

七夕は宇7月7日に行われる星祭り。天の川を挟んで両岸にさかれたアルタイ(牽牛星)と ベガ(織姫星)が年に一度この日の夜に出会う、という中国の伝説が日本の信仰と一緒に なったものです。 「七夕の夜に再会(また会えてよかったね)」 作・編曲:SunnyG(サニー爺) The Star Festival “Tanabata” is the Weaver Star Festival,which occurs July 7. The Chinese legend, which has it that Altair (Cowherd Star)and Vega (Weaver Star) were sprit apart by the two banks of the River of Heaven (The Milky Way) and come together once a year on this night, has・・・

